- Wellness exams
- Sick exams
- Emergency and Critical Care
- Blood Work
- Nutrition & Behavior
- Parasite Testing
- Wellness exams
- Post-purchase exams & Consultation
- Emergency and Critical Care
- X-rays, Blood Work, Parasite Testing
- Habitat & Husbandry Education
- Nutrition & Behavior
- Wing, Beak & Nail Trim
The best way to treat a medical problem is to prevent it.
- Annual Wellness/Dental Exams
- Routine Wellness and Senior Blood Panels
- Regular Vaccines
- Parasite Testing
*We recommend bi-annual senior wellness exams to help ensure a timely diagnosis to treat the rapidly increasing issues that are associated with a senior pet.
Internal medicine involves the diagnosis's, management, and treatment of non-surgical diseases.
At UPSTATE AMC, our ability to effectively diagnose and treat your pet results from talented veterinarians working with the best possible medical technology.
Dr. Joy Lucas, Dr. James Desir and Dr. Amy Bergin work together to discuss difficult cases. Both of our doctors have had post-doctorate training in various fields within internal medicine.
Each pet’s problem is evaluated individually and thoroughly.
We formulate a plan with your input that will enable us to reach a diagnosis and then develop an appropriate treatment plan for your pet.
Our veterinarians are trained to diagnose and treat internal medicine cases involving disorders that affect the following systems:
- Endocrine
- Gastrointestinal
- Hematologic (spleen and blood)
- Liver
- Respiratory
- Urinary
Routine, Complex & Emergency Surgeries.
Our surgical services include soft tissue & orthopedic surgeries:
Spays/Neuters, Tumor/Mass Removal, Abdominal Surgeries & other.
Important Information for Your Pet’s Surgery:
- No food after 10 pm the night before the surgery.
- It is sometimes ok to leave water out for your pet prior to surgery. Please discuss with our doctors.
- Admittance time is 8 - 9 am the morning of the surgery.
- Please notify us of any medications given 24 hours prior to surgery.
- Depending on the type of surgery your pet is receiving, they may be required to spend additional time with us for further monitoring of their recovery.
- Please advise our team of any special needs your pet might have (high anxiety, fear of other animals, special diet). We work with you to make your pet's stay at UPSTATE AMC the most comfortable it can be.
Pre-Surgical visits are encouraged to allow the discussion of these items and assure your pet is prepared for their surgery.
CO2 LASER - Our doctors often choose to employ laser surgery in their cases because there tends to be less tissue trauma, less bleeding and often minimal swelling after the procedure. In addition, surgical time and post-surgical pain may be reduced. Lasers can be ideal surgical tools because of the nature of the incisions they form. The laser seals nerve endings as they are cut, often reducing pain following the operation. Blood vessels within the soft tissue are similarly sealed, instantly stopping blood loss, which effectively eliminates trauma to the patient and provides the surgeon with an uninhibited view during the operation.
Our veterinarian's will discuss with you the benefits of laser surgery for your pet and will answer any questions you may have.
Surgical tool for cutting & coagulation to stop bleeding as well as remove tissue.
**Electrocautery must be performed with the patient under general anesthesia.
Routine & Complex Surgeries.
Spays/Neuters, Tumor removal, fracture repair.
Non-surgercial tool used to freeze off small warts or tumors.
*Local anesthesia is sometimes warranted.
Drug-free, Surgery-free, Pain-free, Relief for your Companion.
Laser Therapy can treat the following:
- Arthritis
- Disc Disease
- Hip Dysplasia
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Sprains and Strains
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury
- Dental Problems
- Chronic Pain and Inflammation
- Dermatological Conditions
- Lick Granulomas
Routine Cleaning/Polishing, Extractions, Digital Dental X-Rays & Advanced Dental Procedures.
Dental disease is the most common disease seen by veterinarians: 70-85% of pets over the age of 2 have some form of dental disease.
Signs of dental disease may be:
- Bad breath
- Yellow, brown, or discolored teeth
- Loose teeth
- Red, inflamed gums
- Swollen mouth, jaws, or gums
- Doesn’t play with chew toys as often
- Pain when eating
- Drooling
- Dropping Food
- Sneezing, nasal discharge
*It is important to have your pet checked for dental disease, as this disease can have major impacts on your pet’s organs, including the heart, liver, and kidneys.
How will dental care benefit my pet?
- Reduced plaque and tartar
- Decreased oral infections
- Helps prevent bad breath
- Helps prevent heart, liver, and kidney disease
- Improve overall quality of life
They can't tell you what they are allergic too. That's where you, the owner, come in.
Does your pet have any of the symptoms below and no matter what you try you can't solve them on your own?
Appearance - muzzle, chin & areas around the eyes reddened with hair loss.
Behavior - scratching or rubbing face with paws or against furniture.
Appearance - waxy discharge, redness, order.
Behavior - catching or rubbing face with paws or against furniture.
Appearance - reddened; possibly with crusts or scales; oder with secondary infections.
Behavior - scratching and licking sides/belly, elbow, groin.
Appearance - bald spots; brown discoloration where licking has occurred.
Behavior - scratching sides/belly, rubbing face/body against furniture or carpet, licking.
Appearance - inflammation, redness, odor; brown discoloration where licking has occurred.
Behavior - licking and chewing of feet/pads.
Talk to one of our Veterinarians at UPSTATE AMC about our options for advanced allergy testing.
We use VARL Labs.
Digital imaging allows our staff to acquire X-rays more rapidly and our doctors to view an enhanced higher quality image.
Digital X-rays are used to evaluate injuries and conditions which require more than an external examination. Radiology equipment gives us a non-evasive way to observe your pet’s internal physiology so that we can provide a more thorough and accurate diagnosis. Our veterinarians use radiographs to detect bone fractures, bladder stones, tumors, soft tissue problems (those related to the heart, stomach, intestines, reproductive, and urinary systems) as well as to locate swallowed foreign objects such as toys or rocks.
Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive diagnostic procedure. An ultrasound machine uses sound waves to penetrate the internal organs and creates an image that is displayed on a monitor. The procedure involves using a hand-held probe on the skin above the area being studied. This non-surgical test can rule out or confirm a diagnosis and aid in determining the severity of an abnormality.
Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopy & Small Rigid Endoscopy.
Endoscopy is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate cases of chronic vomiting, weight loss, and chronic diarrhea, chronic nasal discharge & difficulty breathing. Endoscopy allows the doctor to obtain a physical diagnosis and or obtain a physical biopsy to send to the lab for further evaluation.
*Endoscopy must be performed with the patient under general anesthesia.
We accept During Hour Emergencies.
Please call ahead to ensure we are prepared. (518) 583-0609.
For Avian/Exotic Emergencies please call ahead to ensure Dr. Lucas is in the building & can make herself available as quickly as possible.
Dr.Lucas has provided Wildlife Medicine Rehabilitation for the last 23 years free of charge.
Dr. Joy Lucas requests you call ahead to ensure she is in the building & available to treat all issues - (518) 583-0609.
UPSTATE AMC does not accept healthy wildlife. For healthy cases please call North Country Wild Care directly - (518) 964-6740.
If Dr. Lucas is not available, call North Country Wild Care's Hotline is (518) 964-6740 & they will take care of transporting the wildlife to our facility. Donations to North Country WC is always appreciated, but not required.
*Please do not move baby bunnies or birds unless they are in eminent danger.
Instead, cover them with a basket or box and call North Country Wild Care.